Extending the festive cheer, Tata Motors announced the launch of its new 'India ki Doosri Diwali' campaign, to celebrate the success of its SCV range. Under this offer, for every Tata Motors SCV and Pickup (PU) vehicle bought during the month, the buyer will receive an assured gift through a scratch card system. These gifts range from bumper prizes like gold vouchers of varying denominations worth 5 lakhs, 3 Lakhs & 1 Lakh INR and many more exciting gifts like LED TV, Washing Machine, Mobile Phone, Juicer Mixer & Fuel coupons. The Assured Gift is in addition to the attractive consumer offers on the entire SCV Cargo & Pickup range. The campaign is valid until November 30, 2019.
The campaign has been launched to commemorate the success of Tata Ace, which has sold over 22 lakh units and is the number 1 CV brand in India. Celebrating this achievement, the company has announced a variety of lucrative offers for its SCV, cargo and Pickup customers.
Speaking on the campaign, Mr. Rajesh Kaul, Head - Sales & Marketing, Tata Motors said, “At Tata Motors, we always believe in making customer-centric offerings and maximizing revenues of our customers. Our SCV range offer superior safety, versatile performance in varied conditions, comfort and cost-effectiveness to its customers. We are glad to offer products that have positively changed lives by helping people start and grow their businesses. The buzz around this campaign has led to an increase in footfall across showrooms. We look forward to a boost in sales of all Tata SCVs owing to the ongoing festive spirits as well as the attractive incentives offered on every SCV purchased in this month.
Tata Motors has planned a marketing campaign across print, radio and digital to communicate the campaign to its customers. The Company continues to keep its promise of delivering best-in-class product and service experiences.
The special offers are applicable to the Tata Motors SCV cargo & pickup range of products comprising of brands such as Ace Gold, Ace HT, Zip, Mega, Super Ace Mint, XL Range, Yodha and the newly launched Tata Intra. The range consists of multiple fuel variants (Diesel & CNG) and applications (ARAI certified Container body, High Deck Load Body, various municipal applications, etc.